7th January 2022 Multiplier Sport Event organized by Fondation Alice Milliat

Kicking off next Monday is the Multiplier Sport Event organized by project partner Fondation Alice Milliat. The conference will focus on the issue of gender discrimination in sport and its management, as well as the impact of such discrimination on the practices and well-being of sportsmen and women. The event will take place on January

7th January 2022 Multiplier Sport Event organized by Fondation Alice Milliat2023-05-27T01:01:13+02:00

19th December 2021 Female sport: value of society free from discrimination, stereotypes and sexism, Padua

A day to celebrate the value of women's sport as a human and social wealth was held in Padua on 19 December, with the presence of the Councillor for Sport Diego Bonavina and extraordinary guests such as Olympic champions Antonella Bellutti, Daniele Scarpa and Sandra Truccolo.

19th December 2021 Female sport: value of society free from discrimination, stereotypes and sexism, Padua2023-05-27T01:04:22+02:00

4th december 2021 Fair Coaching training for coaches

In cooperation with the historical club Artemis Korydallos, the live coaching seminar entitled Fair Coaching was completed on Saturday 4th  December 2021.

4th december 2021 Fair Coaching training for coaches2023-05-27T01:04:43+02:00
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